HSN Code
HSN stands for ‘Harmonized System Nomenclature.’HSN is a list of commodity. By the help of HSN Code we are able to identify an commodity internationally. As we know that name of a commodity is change from one country to another country. Therefore we use HSN as this is fixed for every item, it does not change.
HSN Code is developed by The WCO (World Customs Organization).It contains 21 sections, with 99 chapters, about 1,244 headings and 5,244 subheadings.
HSN Code Chapter 85
Electrical Machinery and Equipment and its Parts, Television and Sound Recorders and Reproducers and its Parts, and Accessories of Such Articles.
HSN Code Heading
01-->Electric motors and generators. Full code:-8501
HSN Code Heading
44-->Insulated wire, cable, and other insulated electric conductors, etc.
Full code:-8544(In most of cable this is sufficient)
HSN Code sub-heading
60-->other Electric Conductors, For a voltae exceeding 1000V
Full code:-854460
HSN Code Tarrif item
Rubber insulated->30
Full code:-85446030
HSN Code Tarrif item
other electric conductor that are paper, plastic and rubber insulated->90
Full code:-85446090
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